Lenten Devotionals

Lenten Devotionals

The Lutheran Hour publishes devotional booklets every year for the season of Lent.  This year's publication is titled "Lamb of God." Below you will find links to click on to either read the devotional booklet or to download it to your e-reader.

In this year’s Lenten devotions, Lamb of God, we see Jesus as both human and divine. He is concerned about people's everyday lives and their eternal welfare. But meeting our need goes further than our daily concerns. As God's Son, He bore the weight of our sins, each and every one, so you and I in faith can carry His mission to the world.

Please click on the links below to download or simply read the booklet
to enjoy your Lent devotional time.

Devotional Booklet

(This is a zip file you will need to extract the files from)
(in order to download the booklet to your reader.)