Ministry Opportunities

Ministry Opportunities
    Adult Choir
  • Practices and sings regularly for worship services.

    Altar Guild
  • Individuals of the congregation are trained in the care of the chancel paraments, setup for Holy Communion, and general care of the Sanctuary and Chancel areas.

    Audio / Visual
  • Individuals trained in the operation of the sound board and digital recording equipment during all worship services and assist with A/V technology.

    Bereavement Dinners
  • Upon request, coordinates food for families at funerals.

    Bible Study Opportunities
    • Pastor’s Bible Class
    • Adult Mid-Week Evening Bible Study
    • Women's ChristCare Sunday Morning Bible Study
    • Youth
    • Young Children Sunday School
    Blind Ministry
  • Individuals dedicated to assisting the sight impaired either by providing rides or assisting with a luncheon provided the last Saturday of every month in the Fellowship Hall.

    Changing Station+
  • Dedicated to assisting families in the community by providing diapers and wipes for babies, 3yrs old and under.

    Communion Assistants
  • Assists the pastor in the distribution of communion during worship services.

  • Individuals meet after worship services to count the plate offering and make the bank deposit.

  • Individuals that meet and greet people before and after church.  This is the group that makes visitors to Christ feel welcome.

    Lawn Mowing
  • Grounds maintenance team.  Individuals trained to use the church’s mowing equipment and keep the church property in order.

    Lutheran Women's Fellowship (LWF)
  • Women’s guild of the congregation.  Supports special needs projects.

  • Special gifts ‘in memory’ for Christ ministries.

    Nursery Care
  • Individuals volunteer for the nursery during church services and other needed times.

    Outreach Ministry
  • Inviting neighbors and friends to Christ.

    Prayer Net
  • Traditional prayer chain for members’ concerns.  Individuals pray, especially by request, for those in need.

  • Individuals that read the lessons of the day during worship services.

  • Building and grounds maintenance.

  • Individuals that serve as hosts for worship services.

  • Maintains communication with members and visitors through the Internet website.

    Youth / Children Education
    • Cradle Roll-ministry from birth to age 3.
    • Sunday School – Bible lessons from toddler age through high school.
    • First Communion – for youth in 5th or 6th grade.
    • Confirmation – for youth in 7th and 8th grades.
    • CIA Facilitator – post confirmation through high school.